Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Maker

Maker of heaven and earth
My song is to you

Praise be to God who gives us knowledge and a choice!
Everlasting father - take me with you.
Send your holy fire upon this land and wake the nations!
O God my God
Help me.
My every thought-- my every waking moment
To be lived out as you would have
Lord let your will be done within me
My soul is in torment in anticipation of your return
And I sing with jubilee
Save my friends, take me instead!
For they do not yet know you- and you are my father whose hands I know.
Let my brother see past his hatred for the church
Give him pure eyes to see what money means
Make him a father who will show the Love of You
The stars in the sky proclaim you are God
You are the light in this fallen world..
Help me twinkle and reflect - for a moment your face
You are the angel in the night
This is my canvas to life-
Help me show the Kinkades how it is done.
Handle my frail body with care- and lay me down beside you
For as sure as the night is dark my love grows for you
Take this gasoline and pour it over me
I want to burn for you - I want to be a
Flaming torch that people squint when they see!
Forgive me for my foolish flesh knows no other way
You are the love of my life.

Poem by J.A.D. © 2006